Chongqing Gongmin Power Supply Equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in 1986 with a registered capital of 15 million yuan. The company is mainly committed to urban power construction in Chongqing. It is a professional company specializing in the installation of transmission and transformation projects, sales of power equipment, technical consulting, after-sales service, and import and export business. After years of development, Gongmin Power Supply Equipment Co., Ltd. has become a leader in the same industry in Chongqing and has obtained the IS9001 quality management system. Joined as a member of the Board of Directors of the Electric Power Administration Office of Chongqing Electric Power Company, Vice President of the Construction Association of Yuzhong District, Chongqing, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Chongqing Foreign Trade Promotion Bureau. Since its establishment, Gongmin Company has been awarded the title of annual exemplary organization every year. Gongmin Company values contracts and keeps promises, and has a good professional reputation both inside and outside the industry.
重慶市工民供電設備有限公司成立于1986年,從事輸電設備、電工器材銷售。隨著改革開放的不斷深入,公司不斷發展壯大并擴大業務范圍。1993年,公司開始發展電力安裝及電力設備安裝的實施和咨詢業務;1998年,增設土建工程施工項目;2000年成為瑞典ABB電纜附件西南片區總代理商;2002年,先后與阿西亞. 布朗. 勃法瑞有限公司、中國長征電器廠、中國江西變壓器廠等建立合作關系;2005年成為瑞典ABB電纜附件西部總代理。同時,公司于2006年正式成為重慶市經委領導下的民營企業。